Spoon Benders Psychic Day Spa; the only pneumatic traveling psychic day spa endorsed by the Clinton Foundation; sound baths begin when the ear detects the end of the previous wave. Sine waves will be rendered sharp. Sharp psychic stabs in the brain keeping recall regular; 100% guaranteed total recall. Amps painted skyward to salute an oncoming deluge. Guitars scarring in the dirt; their strings dancing a syncopated new samba.

Warning: A small percentage of adults may experience brain drain, a localized deflation of the ganglial serotonin, skeletal wincing, bloodloss, involuntary toothaches, bloodgain, anal rending, voluntary toothaches, loss of gambling apetite, crumbling lid syndrome, metastasized toe learning, toe elongation, complete bowel expulsion, sudden astrological psychosis, and in some cases sudden partitioning of the tongue and death.